A Roman villa discovered in 1864, dating to the first half of the second century AD. Excavations have revealed the villa to be of a considerable size, having remained in use until well into the fourth century AD.
Identification Images (2)
Most Recent Monitoring
None Recorded
Monument Types
- VILLA (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- SHRINE (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- BANK (EARTHWORK) (Undated)
Chedworth Roman Villa lies in a small valley a short distance from the River Coln. The site is of national importance because of its exceptional size and opulence. Leading antiquarian researchers concluded that the site was the equivalent of a wealthy Roman gentleman's residence. In the century and a half since the villa was discovered, it has become apparent that he was indeed very wealthy and was well connected across the Roman empire. This is supported by recent finds: a piece of Cipollino marble from an Imperial Greek island has been found; and a piece of coloured glass that appears to have come from Ukraine.
The Villa was discovered in 1864 by a gamekeeper who came cross a few stray finds leading to excavations and the exposure of the villa. Structures were erected soon after to protect parts of the site, and a house was built in the centre of the site to act as a museum and residence for the caretaker. [SNA62018] The National Trust acquired the property in 1924. No further archaeological work was undertaken until 1957 when a series of small-scale excavations were carried out, partly during repair works. Sir Ian Richmond excavated the site every year until 1965, by which time he had uncovered most of the villa. The results of his work were never fully published; however, they informed the guidebook Richmond wrote in 1964 [SNA62018]. His notebooks have been found in the Sackler Library in Oxford. In 1978 Roger Goodburn took over. He excavated the hypocaust system in the kitchen and dining room, and the dining room mosaic in 1983. This made Chedworth the only site in the country with so much exposed. Goodburn continued to investigate the site into the 1990s as opportunities arose through repair and refurbishment works, but much of this was necessarily small-scale and in close proximity to the exposed walls [SNA62018].
The Victorian structures covering some of the West Range rooms, were replaced in 2012 by a new building that enabled the whole range to be permanently displayed.
In 1994, Philip Bethell was appointed as Archaeologist / Assistant Property Manager and over the next 12 years a programme of investigative surveys was carried out. These surveys were designed to create a base record for the site upon which future conservation work could be based [SNA62018].
From the excavations, it has been revealed that the villa was built in the first half of the second century, at which time it included three separate ranges of buildings lying on the north, south and west slopes of the valley with the main house located on the western slope. After some time, additions were made to the villa to give an 'aspect of grandeur' (Goodburn, 1981) including many beautiful mosaics which can still be seen today. In the second century AD the west range and south wing were burnt down and immediately restored with enlarged baths and an extended north wing. The C4th saw the creation of the garden with the addition of verandahs and further rooms. It was also during this time that the Turkish bath was built in the northern part of the west range, and the older suite in the north wing was converted to a sauna. These elaborate alterations continued well into the fourth century, until the villa was abandoned.
Standing detached a few yards away from the northwest corner of the villa lies the Nymphaeum, a small shrine to the water goddess. This structure also served to supply water to the villa. An uninscribed altar was found buried within the apse on the west side.
Bethell (2006), suggests that the combination of evidence is indicative of the villa developing in two broad stages:
1) a late 2nd/early 3rd-century origin, with a house on a north-south axis, which was modified to become the West Range of the expanded villa. The lower garden had some evidence of other structures, and can be interpreted as the farmyard of the villa, (some traces of other walls are visible beneath the North Wing, and the lower South Wing, but it is not clear whether they are dated to this earlier phase);
2) the 4th-century villa, built relatively rapidly to its fullest extent, either incorporating re-modelled older buildings, or removing earlier structures/features altogether. [SNA62018]
Interventions since the mid C20th have improved our understanding of the site in several key ways. Crucially, the original assertion that there was a lack of evidence at the Villa to indicate any activity in the pre- or post- Roman periods [source unknown] has been disputed. This includes evidence for middle Iron Age activity on the site along with medieval plough marks, a C17th lime kiln and the remains of post-medieval livestock management pens. The historic halting of excavations at the C4th levels has been deemed a factor in the possible skewing of our understanding of this important site which recent research objectives have helped to address [SNA62018]. Our understanding of the villa has been improved with respect to the extent of its original/ upstanding Roman components (the majority of walls were concluded to be post 1864 in date by Cotswold Archaeology - forthcoming); the use of space both within the C4th structure and in the garden court area; and the indications of tripartite occupancy or division of space.
Despite numerous interventions in the vicinity of the villa, no evidence has been recovered for additional courtyards (as at other comparable sites). The geophysics was able to find clear traces of features such as the end of the villa complex, and the trackway to the river. Also, a small circular building east of the villa was found near the river, this appeared to be Roman in origin from coins found. Otherwise there were no additional structures built between the house and the river. Where the peripheral buildings, necessary to the functioning of a house on such a scale (stables, storage, slave accommodation, etc.) might have been situated remains a puzzle. Speculation as to the function of the Chedworth villa will therefore continue. Bethell asserts that the layout of the building(s), and the functions of rooms, where identifiable, are all comparable with large multi-courtyard villa complexes rather than any other known type of site from Roman Britain [SNA62018]. About 600m to the east, on the valley slope opposite, there is the small C4th Roman structure known as Yanworth villa. About 800m a little south of east lies the remains of a Roman temple building that was excavated in the 1920’s. Otherwise no other site has been found that may provide definitive support or refutation for the theory that Chedworth villa represents the headquarters of an agricultural estate.
The current and most widely used room numbering system is thought to date from the period of Richmond's excavations in the 1950s and is certainly the C20th convention. However, a measured plan found in the Chedworth Archive, thought to have been held by Cheltenham Public Library and dated to 1894, illustrates the villa with very different room numbers. The provenance of this plan is uncertain and more research is required, it is hand-annotated and may be the earliest measured survey of the site [SNA62093].
The Chedworth mosaics are discussed in SNA62067 - Monograph: Cosh, Stephen R. and Neal, David S. 2010. Roman Mosaics of Britain: Volume IV: Western Britain. The National Trust will soon (2020) publish a monograph that will bring together and reevaluate the archaeological evidence for Chedworth.
SNA69076 Plan B Report Proposed West Range Conservation Shelter, education facilities and improved interpretation at Chedworth Roman Villa.
- --- SNA62018 - Unpublished document: Atkins Heritage. 2006. Chedworth Roman Villa Archaeological Assessment.
- --- SNA62019 - Article in serial: Farrer, James. 1866. Notice of Recent Excavations in Chedworth Wood, on the Estate of the Earl of Eldon, in the county of Gloucester. 6.
- --- SNA62021 - Article in monograph: Cotswold Archeological Trust. 2005. Chedworth Roman Villa Yanworth, Gloucestershire, Archaeological Fabric Survey.
- --- SNA62022 - Unpublished document: Dr R D Wakefield. 2000. Microbiological Survey of Chedworth Roman Villa, stonework, plaster and mosaics.
- --- SNA62023 - Unpublished document: Jess Ahmon. 2005. Chedworth Environmental Report, April 2005.
- --- SNA62025 - National Trust Report: G B Geotechnics. 1994. Final Report on a non-destructive investigation of the triclinium floor and hypocaust at Chedworth Roman Villa, Yanworth, Gloucestershire.
- --- SNA62026 - National Trust Report: Julien, S. Draft Chedworth Environmental Report, 03/1999-07-2000.
- --- SNA62027 - National Trust Report: Teasdale Environmental Design. Chedworth Roman Villa Landscape Survey.
- --- SNA62028 - National Trust Report: Atkins Heritage. 2007. Chedworth Roman Villa Conservation Management Plan Gazetteer.
- --- SNA62032 - Unpublished document: R Goodburn. 1979. Notes relating to Goodburn's excavation of the south half of the east corridor in 1979.
- --- SNA62033 - Article in serial: The Cheltenham Echo. 1930. Hunting for Roman Villas, How Chedworth Villa was found by one who was there 66 years ago. 16-04-1930.
- --- SNA62034 - Article in serial: Cotswold Life. 1982. 'Great Gramp Norman' and interview with Pamela Ward. October 1982.
- --- SNA62035 - Unpublished document: anon (UCL Student Report). 2005. Wall Capping Survey Report, Chedworth Roman Villa.
- --- SNA62036 - Unpublished document: Eric Cole and Partners. 1979. Short Specification of Work to be done outside the rear of the Custodian's lodge at Chedworth Roman Villa.
- --- SNA62037 - Unpublished document: Eric Cole and Partners. 1979. A letter to the National Trust detailing the minutes of a meeting regarding work on the new visitor centre at Chedworth.
- --- SNA62049 - Article in serial: Grover, J W. 1868. On a Roman Villa At Chedworth. 24.
- --- SNA62063 - National Trust Report: GSB Prospection Ltd.. 1999. Chedworth Roman Villa II.
- --- SNA62067 - Monograph: Neal, David S. and Cosh, Stephen R.. 2010. Roman Mosaics of Britain: Volume IV: Western Britain. 4.
- --- SNA62077 - Unpublished document: Doub, N. 2005. North Bath House, Fieldwork Report Chedworth Roman Villa, 2005.
- --- SNA62078 - Unpublished document: Felter, Mags. 2004. Chedworth Roman Villa, 17-21 May 2004, Image of a North Bathhouse.
- --- SNA62079 - Unpublished document: Jaeger, Tamara. 2003. Chedworth Roman Villa, North Bath House (Room 22).
- --- SNA62081 - Unpublished document: anon (UCL Student Report). 2005. Chedworth Roman Villa, Elevation Survey: Methodology and Glossary.
- --- SNA62093 - Measured Survey: Unknown. 1894?. Roman Villa, Chedworth. 1:190. early (?) annotated plan of the villa.
- --- SNA63114 - Article in serial: Farrer, James. 1870. Chedworth Roman Villa. 26.
- --- SNA63242 - Unpublished document: Cotswold Archaeology. 2007. Chedworth Roman Villa Archaeological Evaluation Entrance Drive.
- --- SNA64097 - Unpublished document: Cotswold Archaeology. 2009. Archaeological Evaluation Two Trenches on proposed sewage pipeline south of Lodge.
- --- SNA64158 - Unpublished document: Cotswold Archaeology. 2009. Chedworth Roman Villa Archaeological Evaluation West Range Corridor & West end South Range.
- --- SNA64453 - Photographs - set of: Salkeld, Guy. 2010. Photographs of pilae in Room 26, Chedworth Roman Villa.
- --- SNA64461 - Photographs - set of: Papworth, Martin. 2010. Photographs of passageway joining rooms 5b, 6 & 7, Chedworth.
- --- SNA64462 - Photographs - set of: Papworth, Martin. 2010. Photographs of room 5b, Chedworth.
- --- SNA64463 - Photographs - set of: Papworth, Martin. 2010. Photographs of room 7, Chedworth.
- --- SNA64464 - Photographs - set of: Papworth, Martin. 2010. Photographs of west corridor (north end), Chedworth.
- --- SNA64465 - Photographs - set of: Papworth, Martin. 2010. Photographs of west corridor (south end), Chedworth.
- --- SNA64575 - Unpublished document: Cotswold Archaeology. 2010. Chedworth Roman Villa Archaeological Watching Brief (Groundworks for Sewage south side villa).
- --- SNA65115 - Unpublished document: Martin Papworth. 2012. Chedworth Excavations in the West Range July-September 2010.
- --- SNA65732 - Report: M Papworth. 2013. Chedworth Roman Villa - Summary Report on information from Metal Detector Survey.
- --- SNA66381 - Unpublished document: Papworth Martin. 2015. Chedworth Roman Villa North Range Research Project Ph. 2 Excavations 25b & 25c.
- --- SNA66382 - Unpublished document: Papworth Martin. 2014. Chedworth Roman Villa North Range ph. 1: Excavation of part of the early baths within R 20.
- --- SNA69076 - Unpublished document: Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios LLP. 2009. Chedworth Roman Villa Stage B Report.
Other Statuses and References
- HER/SMR Reference (External): 547
- National Monuments Record Reference: SP01 SE8
Associated Events
- ENA10 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Renewal of wall cappings and repointing, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA100 - Archaeological Intervention, Room 6, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 31)
- ENA101 - Archaeological Intervention, Excavation of Mosaic in West Wing Corridor / Portico, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 31)
- ENA102 - Archaeological Intervention, Room 26 Condition Survey, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 32)
- ENA103 - Archaeological Intervention, Goodburn's 1981 Excavation of the East Corridor / Portico, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 33)
- ENA104 - Field Survey, Museum - Artefact Condition Survey, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 34)
- ENA105 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Re-building of garden cross-passage portico, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 7)
- ENA106 - Archaeological Intervention, Excavation of drainage channel and soakaway pit, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 35)
- ENA107 - Archaeological Intervention, Goodburn's 1982 Excavation and Consolidation of Garden Portico, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 36)
- ENA108 - Archaeological Intervention, Septic - soakaway Pit, Chedworth Roman Villa - TO BE REMOVED IDENTICAL TO ENA106 (Ref: INT 37)
- ENA109 - Archaeological Intervention, Goodburn's Garden Soakaway Excavation, discovery of the south wing, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 38)
- ENA11 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Stonework conservation, Room 16, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 100)
- ENA110 - Field Survey, Mosaic Condition Report Room 5, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 39)
- ENA111 - Field Survey, Mosaic Condition Report Room 5, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 39)
- ENA112 - Archaeological Intervention, Goodburn's Excavation of mosaic and hypocaust in dining room Room 5, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 40)
- ENA113 - Archaeological Intervention, Mosaic North End Lifted Room 5, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 41)
- ENA114 - Archaeological Intervention, Excavation continued on Triclinium Room 5, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 42)
- ENA115 - Non Archaeological Intervention, New mortar bedding for lifted mosaic (North End) Room 5, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 43)
- ENA116 - Archaeological Intervention, Rutter's Excavation of the Latrine in the South Wing, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 8)
- ENA117 - Archaeological Intervention, Goodburn's excavations to the West Room 5, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 44)
- ENA118 - Archaeological Intervention, Goodburn's Excavation of the Quarry/Terracing, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 45)
- ENA119 - Archaeological Intervention, Goodburn's 1986 Excavation and consolidation of Garden Portico, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 46)
- ENA12 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 1a, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 9)
- ENA120 - Archaeological Intervention, Continuation of excavations at the Quarry/Terracing, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 45)
- ENA123 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Trial relay bedding mortars Room 5 (Ref: INT 48)
- ENA124 - Archaeological Intervention, Boundary Wall to Nymphaeum (room 17), Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 49)
- ENA125 - Archaeological Intervention, West wall of stoke-hole 19, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 49)
- ENA126 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Trial relay of modern mosaic completed Room 5, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 50)
- ENA127 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of South Wing Corridor / Portico, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 9)
- ENA128 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Mortar bedding layers Room 5, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 50)
- ENA129 - Archaeological Intervention, Continuation of excavations at the Quarry/Terracing, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 45)
- ENA13 - Archaeological Intervention, Recording of Masonry, Room 16, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 100)
- ENA130 - Archaeological Intervention, Mosaic revealed in room 25a, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 51)
- ENA131 - Archaeological Intervention, Excavation in North Corridor (North Wing Portico), Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 51)
- ENA132 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Consolidation of plaster in baths Room 23, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 52)
- ENA133 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Museum - Artefact conservation, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 53)
- ENA134 - Archaeological Intervention, Cleaning of Quarry/Terracing for photography, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 45)
- ENA135 - Archaeological Intervention, Wall drawing of rooms 25 & 26, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 54)
- ENA136 - Archaeological Intervention, Excavation and Swilling drain room 26, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 55)
- ENA137 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Renewal of wall cappings and repointing external walls rooms 25 & 26, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 56)
- ENA14 - Field Survey, Wall Elevation Recording of Room 20, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 101)
- ENA15 - Archaeological Intervention, Recording of Internal Elevations of the cold bath, Room 15, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 102)
- ENA16 - Archaeological Intervention, Recording of Wall Elevations and Plans, rooms 24, 24A, 25 and 25A, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 103)
- ENA17 - Archaeological Intervention, Geophysical Survey, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 104)
- ENA18 - Archaeological Intervention, Cleary's Re-excavation of Room 8, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 105)
- ENA19 - Archaeological Intervention, Excavation of the South Wing, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 106)
- ENA2 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 1, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 9)
- ENA20 - Archaeological Intervention, Excavation of mosaic, West Wing Corridor / Portico, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 107)
- ENA21 - Archaeological Intervention, Magnetometry and Resistivity Survey, Courtyards and North Wing, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 108)
- ENA22 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's 1957 Excavation of Room 3, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 9)
- ENA23 - Archaeological Intervention, Re-Excavation of Room 32, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 109)
- ENA24 - Archaeological Intervention, Excavation E of Room 32, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 110)
- ENA25 - Field Survey, Photogrammatic Survey rooms 5, 10, 12 ,14, 15, 22, 23, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 111)
- ENA26 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Conservation (possibly room 26), Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 112)
- ENA27 - Archaeological Intervention, Recording of Stone Fragments, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 113)
- ENA28 - Archaeological Intervention, Excavation of Septic Tank, Chedworth Roman Villa, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA29 - Field Survey, Environmental Monitoring Programme, Rooms 5, 14, 15, 22, 23, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA3 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Conservation of Nymphaeum Room 17, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 57)
- ENA30 - Archaeological Intervention, Quarry - Surveying, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA31 - Archaeological Intervention, Mosaic Condition Survey, West Corridor / Portico , Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 96)
- ENA32 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of the Latrine, Room 4, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 9)
- ENA33 - Archaeological Intervention, Replacement of External French drain, Room 5, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA34 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Renewal of wall cappings (External Walls), Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA35 - Archaeological Intervention, Hydrogeological and Drainage Survey, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 114)
- ENA36 - Archaeological Intervention, GPR Survey of the upper Courtyard and area downslope of Rooms 17-18, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 115)
- ENA37 - Archaeological Intervention, Buried Mosaic Survey, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 118)
- ENA38 - Archaeological Intervention, Exploratory Excavation of the Upper Garden Court, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 119)
- ENA39 - Archaeological Intervention, Continuation of South Wing excavation Archaeology Day Schools (Ref: INT 121)
- ENA4 - Archaeological Intervention, Mosaic Relaid, Room 5 Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 58)
- ENA40 - Archaeological Intervention, Excavation, Room 21, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 122)
- ENA4054 - Archaeological Intervention, Archaeological Fabric Survey, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4055 - Field Survey, Microbiological survey of stonework, plaster and mosaics, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4056 - Field Survey, Condition Survey, Mosaic Cleaning Conservation and Repairs, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4057 - Field Survey, Landscape Survey, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4058 - Archaeological Intervention, REMOVE / REUSE DUPLICATE OF ENA57
- ENA4059 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 12, West Wing, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 11)
- ENA4060 - Archaeological Intervention, Construction of walkway, Room 14, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 13)
- ENA4061 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavations West Wing Corridor / Portico, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4062 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Restoration Work to the North, South and West Wings, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4063 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Building of an approach road to the site in 1867, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4065 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 20, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4066 - Archaeological Intervention, Antiquarian Use of Room 20 as a Bowling Alley, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4067 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 21, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 11)
- ENA4068 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 23, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 12)
- ENA4069 - Field Survey, Wall Capping Survey, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4070 - Heritage Assessment, Repair/replacement of the C19th shed roofs in 1910, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 124)
- ENA4071 - Field Survey, Auger Survey in the Garden Court, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 119)
- ENA4075 - Archaeological Intervention, Geophysical Survey, Lower Garden Courtyard, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 125/6)
- ENA4077 - Archaeological Intervention, Geophysical Survey, Upper Garden Courtyard, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 125/6)
- ENA4083 - Archaeological Intervention, Laying of water pipe from Nymphaeum along the north wing, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4085 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Re-display of the Museum, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4086 - Heritage Assessment, Alteration to lean-to wash house, C19th house, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4087 - Heritage Assessment, Relaying of C19th water pipe, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4088 - Heritage Assessment, Re-surfacing of C19th access road in 1913, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4089 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Alterations to the Museum in 1925, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4090 - Heritage Assessment, Roof repair to shed over the West Bath house, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4091 - Heritage Assessment, Tree cutting and Stump removal, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4092 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Internal redecoration of the Museum, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4093 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Re-surfacing of C19th access road in 1934, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4094 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Replacement of the Museum roof 1935, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4095 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Construction of a lean-to pay point at the C19th house, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4096 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Redisplay of the Museum (new show case), Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4097 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Redisplay of the Museum (new show case), Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4098 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Roof repair to shed over the West Bath house, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4099 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Provision of public toilets at the C19th house, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA41 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Repairs to mosaic in the West Bath House (possibly room 21), Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 123)
- ENA4100 - Field Survey, Survey of stone cappings, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4101 - Non Archaeological Intervention, North wing wall restoration and replacement of capping, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4102 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Installation of heating over the West Bath house and room 5, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4103 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Heating installed in the site Museum, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4104 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Replacement of the 'rainwater goods' associated with the museum, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4105 - Field Survey, Photographic survey by the RCHM, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4106 - Field Survey, Repairs to walls and cappings, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4107 - Field Survey, Renewal of slate roof of the shed over the north bath house, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4108 - Field Survey, Repointing and tile replacement, Nymphaeum (room 17), Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4109 - Field Survey, Removal of water pipe between pump and the Nymphaeum tank, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4110 - Archaeological Intervention, Construction of a new reception building, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4111 - Archaeological Intervention, Removal of the wash house to the rear of the C19th house, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4112 - Archaeological Intervention, Repair of hypocaust pilae in room 26, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4114 - Archaeological Intervention, Recording of hypocaust and floors in room 22, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 118)
- ENA4115 - Archaeological Intervention, Sample trench across route of trackway to the west of the site gate, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4116 - Archaeological Intervention, Sample pits in the woods to the west of the site, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4117 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Refurbishment of the museum, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4118 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Refurbishment of the reception building, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4119 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Installation of blinds in the museum, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4120 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Recapping of Latrine walls (room 4), Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4121 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Minor wall repair and repointing, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4122 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Minor wall repair and repointing room 32, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4123 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Wall repair and rebuilding, room 24 and south corridor, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4124 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Finds re-storage at the museum, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4125 - Field Survey, Geotechnical surveys, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4126 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Construction of shelter over room 22, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA4132 - Non Archaeological Intervention, External refurbishment of the site museum, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA42 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Repair/replacement of roof to triclinium shed (room 5), Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 124)
- ENA43 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Blocked Doorway Room 21, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 10)
- ENA4357 - Archaeological Intervention, Farrer's Original Excavation of Chedworth Roman Villa,
- ENA44 - Archaeological Intervention, Excavation of the SW Vegetable plot, lower courtyard, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 125)
- ENA45 - Archaeological Intervention, Upper and Lower Courtyard Excavations in 2001, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 125/6)
- ENA46 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 1b, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 9)
- ENA47 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 8, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 11)
- ENA48 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Bath 13 in West Wing, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 11)
- ENA49 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Stoke-hole 16, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 11)
- ENA5 - Archaeological Intervention, Excavation continued on limestone quarry, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 45)
- ENA50 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 22, S of 22, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 11)
- ENA51 - Heritage Assessment, C19th groundworks, wall repair and construction of protective sheds, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT2)
- ENA52 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 5, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 12)
- ENA53 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 21, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 12)
- ENA54 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 22, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 12)
- ENA5486 - Archaeological Intervention, December 2007 Cotswold Archaeology Evaluation trenches for new services entrance drive.
- ENA55 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's 1960 Excavation of Room 3, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 13)
- ENA56 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of the Latrine passage & Room 4 kerbing, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 13)
- ENA5697 - Archaeological Intervention, Archaeological Evaluation Sewage pipeline route south of Lodge April 2009
- ENA57 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 5a, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 13)
- ENA5760 - Archaeological Intervention, 8 Evaluation trenches at W end of S Range and porticus of W Range September 2009
- ENA58 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 19, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 13)
- ENA59 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 30 North (Outside), Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 13)
- ENA6 - Archaeological Intervention, Quinquennial Survey, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 59)
- ENA60 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Wooden steps in S wing Corridor / Portico, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 14)
- ENA6023 - Archaeological Intervention, Excavation of mosaic in West Wing corridor / Portico, room 5b and and passageway joining rooms 5b, 6 and 7, July 2010
- ENA6024 - Field Survey, Historic Building Survey of Victorian sheds on west wing, Chedworth Roman Villa July 2010
- ENA6025 - Field Survey, Photographic Survey of pilae in room 26, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA61 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 24, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 14)
- ENA6126 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Renewal of wall cappings and repointing, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 99)
- ENA6168 - Archaeological Intervention, Cotswold Arch Watching Brief Sewage Works lodge to main entrance track car park Nov 2009-Mar 2010 (Ref: CA Project 2958)
- ENA62 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Building of Site Museum, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT3)
- ENA63 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Electric Supply Connected to Villa, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 15)
- ENA64 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Nymphaeum Room 17, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 16)
- ENA65 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Nymphaeum, Room 18, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 16)
- ENA66 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 19, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 16)
- ENA67 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 21a, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 17)
- ENA6757 - Archaeological Intervention, Archaeological Interventions during Works at the Villa, 2010 to 2011, Chedworth Roman Villa
- ENA68 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Early Baths, Room 24 and south of 24, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 17)
- ENA69 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 24a, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 17)
- ENA7 - Archaeological Intervention, Radar and ultrasonic survey of the mosaic in Room 5, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 60)
- ENA70 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Stoke hole Room 25, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 17)
- ENA71 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 25a, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 17)
- ENA7121 - Field Survey, Mole Hill Investigation April 2013
- ENA72 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 30, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 18)
- ENA73 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Construction of shooting lodge / staff residence, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 4)
- ENA74 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 31, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 18)
- ENA75 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 31A, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 18)
- ENA76 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 32, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 18)
- ENA77 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of East and South East of Room 32, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 18)
- ENA78 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of North Wing Portico (outside Room 30), Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 18)
- ENA79 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of South of North Wing Portico, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 18)
- ENA8 - Archaeological Intervention, Relaying of the Mosaic, Room 5, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 61)
- ENA80 - Archaeological Intervention, Trench Northwards from 30-31, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 18)
- ENA81 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 6, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 19)
- ENA82 - Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Excavation of Room 7, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 19)
- ENA83 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Richmond's Repairs to tank in Nymphaeum, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 19)
- ENA84 - Archaeological Intervention, Baddeley excavation of the Stoke-hole SE corner of Room 25, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 5)
- ENA85 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Bore Hole, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 20)
- ENA86 - Archaeological Intervention, Excavation, NE Corner of South Wing (room 1a), Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 21)
- ENA87 - Archaeological Intervention, Sondage, Room 1B, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 22)
- ENA88 - Archaeological Intervention, Erection of an electricity pole in field to the East of south wing, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 23)
- ENA89 - Archaeological Intervention, Shoesmith's Excavations in advance of the new reception building, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 24)
- ENA9 - Archaeological Intervention, Topographical Survey, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 98)
- ENA90 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Mosaic in Room 10 lifted and relaid, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 25)
- ENA91 - Archaeological Intervention, Hypocaust Recording and consolidation, Room 10, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 26)
- ENA92 - Archaeological Intervention, Mosaic Lifted and relaid room 22, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 27)
- ENA93 - Archaeological Intervention, Goodburn's 1979 Excavation of the Eastern Corridor / Portico, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 28)
- ENA95 - Archaeological Intervention, St Clair Baddeley's 1934 Excavation Outside Room 4, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT6)
- ENA96 - Archaeological Intervention, Room 5b photographed, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 29)
- ENA97 - Archaeological Intervention, Room 6 photographed, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 29)
- ENA98 - Archaeological Intervention, Goodburn's 1980 Excavation of Garden Portico, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 30)
- ENA99 - Archaeological Intervention, Mosaic exposed, Room 5b, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 31)
- ENA7252 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Summary report on information from metal detector survey
- ENA7917 - Archaeological Intervention, Phase 2 North Range Research Project 25b and 25c Aug 2014
- ENA7918 - Archaeological Intervention, North Range Research Project Room 20 and Corridor season 1 August 2013
- ENA7120 - Archaeological Intervention, Excavation of Central Section of the West Range Corridor and Room 6 July 2012
- ENA10098 - Non Archaeological Intervention, Chedworth Roman Villa Stage B plan
Associated Finds
None Recorded
Related Records
- Parent of: C19th House / Shooting Lodge, Chedworth Roman Villa (Building) - 75476 / MNA147603
- Parent of: Room 1, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75477 / MNA147604
- Parent of: Room 1a, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75478 / MNA147605
- Parent of: Room 1b, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75479 / MNA147606
- Parent of: Room 2, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75480 / MNA147607
- Parent of: Roman Kitchen, Room 3, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75481 / MNA147608
- Parent of: Latrine Room 4, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75482 / MNA147609
- Parent of: Triclinium, Room 5, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75483 / MNA147610
- Parent of: Room 5a, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75484 / MNA147611
- Parent of: Room 5b, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75485 / MNA147612
- Parent of: Room 6, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75486 / MNA147613
- Parent of: Room 7, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75487 / MNA147614
- Parent of: Room 8, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75488 / MNA147615
- Parent of: Bath-house Changing Room, Room 10, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75489 / MNA147616
- Parent of: Bath-house Warm Room, Room 11, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75490 / MNA147617
- Parent of: Bath-house Hot Room, Room 12, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75491 / MNA147618
- Parent of: Bath-house Hot Bath, Room 13, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75492 / MNA147619
- Parent of: Bath-house Cold Room, Room 14, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75493 / MNA147620
- Parent of: Bath-house Cold Plunge Bath, Room 15, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75494 / MNA147621
- Parent of: Furnace and Fuel store, Room 16, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75495 / MNA147622
- Parent of: Nymphaeum / Shrine, Rooms 17 and 18, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75496 / MNA147623
- Parent of: Stoke holes for hypocaust system in room 10, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75497 / MNA147624
- Parent of: North Wing Bathhouse, Room 19, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75498 / MNA147625
- Parent of: Room 20, area south of Room 21, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75499 / MNA147626
- Parent of: North Bathhouse Cold Room, Room 21, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75500 / MNA147627
- Parent of: Room 22, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75501 / MNA147628
- Parent of: North Bath-house Plunge Bath, Room 23, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75502 / MNA147629
- Parent of: North wing, Room 24, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75503 / MNA147630
- Parent of: Room 24a, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75504 / MNA147631
- Parent of: Room 25, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75505 / MNA147632
- Parent of: Room 25a, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75506 / MNA147633
- Parent of: Room 26, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75507 / MNA147634
- Parent of: Room 26a, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75508 / MNA147635
- Parent of: Room 27, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75509 / MNA147636
- Parent of: Room 28, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75510 / MNA147637
- Parent of: Room 29, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75511 / MNA147638
- Parent of: Room 29a, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75512 / MNA147639
- Parent of: Possible Kitchen, Room 30, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75513 / MNA147640
- Parent of: Room 31, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75514 / MNA147641
- Parent of: Room 31a, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75515 / MNA147642
- Parent of: Room 32, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75516 / MNA147643
- Parent of: North corridor / Portico, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75517 / MNA147644
- Parent of: East (Garden) Corridor / Portico, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75518 / MNA147645
- Parent of: West Corridor / Portico, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75519 / MNA147646
- Parent of: South Corridor / Portico, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75520 / MNA147647
- Parent of: North Bathhouse, Room 21a, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75521 / MNA148200
- Parent of: Courtyard Entrance, East corridor or portico, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75522 / MNA148201
- Parent of: 19th Century Museum, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75523 / MNA148202
- Parent of: C19th Shed over Room 5, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75524 / MNA148203
- Parent of: C19th Shed over the West Wing Bath House, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75525 / MNA148204
- Parent of: C19th Shed over room 23, North Wing Bath House, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75526 / MNA148205
- Parent of: Upper Courtyard Area, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75527 / MNA148206
- Parent of: Vestibule area for western bath house rooms 10 and 14, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75528 / MNA148211
- Parent of: 1950s wooden shelter building over room 22, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75529 / MNA148212
- Parent of: Victorian (?) drain and wooden soakaway, Upper Garden Court, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75531 / MNA148214
- Parent of: Lower (outer) Courtyard, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75532 / MNA148215
- Parent of: Trackway in the Lower (outer) Courtyard, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75533 / MNA148216
- Parent of: South Wing Extension, Lower (outer) Courtyard, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75534 / MNA148217
- Parent of: Boundary Wall / Sheep pen, Lower (outer) Courtyard, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75535 / MNA148219
- Parent of: Iron Age Infant Burial, Lower (outer) Courtyard, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75536 / MNA148220
- Parent of: C19th / C20th Landscaped garden, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75537 / MNA148221
- Parent of: C4th cist burial to the east of room 4, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75538 / MNA148222
- Parent of: 6a Passageway joining rooms 5b, 6 and 7, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75539 / MNA148223
- Parent of: Modern reception Building, Chedworth Roman Villa (Building) - 75540 / MNA148225
- Parent of: C19th access / forestry tracks, Chedworth Roman Villa (Monument) - 75541 / MNA148227