Pedestal in the Grecian Valley, Stowe

Record ID:  150283 / MNA130342
Record type:  Monument
Protected Status: Registered Park or Garden
NT Property:  Stowe; London and South East
Civil Parish:  Stowe; Aylesbury Vale; Buckinghamshire
Grid Reference:  SP 67569 37879
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The remains of an ironstone pedestal about 1.2 metres square just projecting through the turf. Approximate position of Grenville's column, though may be the remains of the pedestal to a statue put up to replace the column in the 1750's. Site:150283*0

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Monument Types

  • GARDEN ORNAMENT (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)


The remains of a pedestal about 1.2m square, made of ironstone just projecting through the turf. This is in the approximate original position of Grenville's column though the visible part is too small to have supported this*. It may be the remains of a statue put up to replace the column which was moved in the 1750's.

*Confirmed by subsequent excavation - the 1.2 m base is built over the top of a larger base which is the foundation for the Grenville column.

Statue (cast copy) of Hercules and Anteaus placed on the plinth of 15th April 2016


  • SNA64138 - Report: A Wainwright. 1989. National Trust Archaeological survey, Stowe, Thames and Chilterns region.

  • SZM6415 - Report: Angus Wainwright. 1989. The National Trust Archaeological Survey of Stowe, Buckinghamshire (Unpublished).


None Recorded

Other Statuses and References

None Recorded

Associated Events

  • ENA2565 - Field Survey, Archaeological Survey of Stowe Park, Stowe Landscape Gardens

Associated Finds

None Recorded

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