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Approximate Site of Post-Medieval Building, Brownsea Island
ID: 112458 / MNA139373. Property: Brownsea Island; South West
Ralph Treswell's map of the Isle of Purbeck of 1586 shows a building at the west end of Brownsea Island. The scale of the map prevents the identification of a precise location for this site.

The Villa, Brownsea Island
ID: 110262 / MNA153857. Property: Brownsea Island; South West
The Villa lies in an isolated position on the northern edge of the Island to the north-west of the Church. The house is largely screened by woodland to the west, south and east and by rising ground...

Approximate Site of Medieval Chapel, Brownsea Island
ID: 112459 / MNA137372. Property: Brownsea Island; South West
In the medieval period Brownsea Island belonged to Cerne Abbey and it is probable that the chapel dates to this period. The location of the chapel is no longer known but it probably lies west of...

Remains of Post-Medieval Pottery Kilns, Brownsea Island
ID: 112089 / MNA140098. Property: Brownsea Island; South West
Both the 1770 map (DCRO photocopy 1/1) and the 1853 map (DCRO D263/T1) show an area on the west side of the Isalnd called the "old pottery". The 1770 map shows one larger rectangle which is probably...

Water tank, The Farm, Brownsea Island
ID: 110357 / MNA176454. Property: Brownsea Island; South West
The stable and the water tank, sandwiched between the barn to the N and the cattle shed to the S werein existence by 1857 as they appeas to be on the Driver map and they are referred to in the sale...

Post-Medieval Alum and Copperas Mines and Works, Brownsea Island
ID: 112085 / MNA138694. Property: Brownsea Island; South West
Documents describe and show the site of the alum and copperas mines on the south-west shore of Brownsea Island. The mines were in use in 1586 when James Mounsey of London who ran the mines was...

WWII Gun Emplacement, Brownsea Island
ID: 112453 / MNA137803. Property: Brownsea Island; South West
One of two six-inch naval guns which were used from 1940-1945 to guard the entrance to Poole Harbour. The site is visible as a concrete apron 5m long and 2.5m wide aligned NE-SW with a concrete wall...

Remains of Post-Medieval Dry Dock and Coastguard Station, Brownsea Island
ID: 112756 / MNA138323. Property: Brownsea Island; South West
A custom post was established on the east coast of Brownsea Island as early as 1770. By 1859 the dry dock had been backfilled and the coast guard premises were no longer occupied by the coast guard...

Brickworks, Brownsea Island
ID: 112815 / MNA141021. Property: Brownsea Island; South West
Remains of a brickworks, Brownsea Island, Dorset

Remains of Seymours Villa, Post-Med. House, Brownsea Island
ID: 112451 / MNA137981. Property: Brownsea Island; South West
A ruined building lies in an overgrown garden. A small circular building to the east is a privy. Further to the east is another larger rectangular brick building which appears to be later in date.

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