Banked Terrace, East Myne, North Hill, Holnicote Estate

Record ID:  115468 / MNA167560
Record type:  Monument
Protected Status: None Recorded
NT Property:  Holnicote Estate; South West
Civil Parish:  Minehead Without; West Somerset; Somerset
Grid Reference:  SS 9307 4860
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A possbile terrace on the north slope of the hill, north of East Myne farm. Thought by some to be the site of the Medieval settlement of Mene or Myne, but some of the irregular earthwork features may be natural.

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Most Recent Monitoring

None Recorded

Monument Types



A terrace on the north slope of the hill, north of East Myne farm.It is rectangular in shape, about 100m x 40m, and is defined by a low bank. The ground is irregular within the enclosure. It is thought by some to be the site of Mene or Myne, the Domesday Manor. Condition: good. [1]

The site of the terrace (possibly the site of a Medieval settlement) referred to above [1] is visible as irregular earthworks on aerial photographs viewed as part of the Severn Estuary RCZAS mapping project but no structures were visible and the earthworks are suggested as possibly natural. Further information, sources and photograph references are available in the Exmoor National Park HER record MSO7648. [2]


  • <1> SZN48220 - Unpublished document: Isabel Richardson. 2001. Holnicote Estate Archaeological Survey, Somerset. 115468.

  • <2>XY SNA69539 - Collection: Exmoor National Park Authority. Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record (HER). MSO7648. [Mapped feature: #180978 ]


None Recorded

Other Statuses and References

  • HER/SMR Reference (External): MSO7648 Exmoor National Park HER
  • National Park (Exmoor)

Associated Events

  • ENA3149 - Field Survey, Archaeological Survey of the Holnicote Estate 2001
  • ENA10529 - Heritage Assessment, Severn Estuary Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey: National Mapping Programme

Associated Finds

None Recorded

Related Records

  • Related to: Mene, Deserted Farmstead, North Hill, Holnicote Estate (Monument) - 115433 / MNA167486