Rectangular concrete foundation of former nissen hut in use 1940-1944.
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Monument Types
- (Former Type) NISSEN HUT (Mid 20th C - 1940 AD to 1945 AD)
Rectangular concrete foundation denoting the site of a former Nissen hut measuring c.9m by 4m. This is one of 6 similar hut foundations in close proximity to west side of tower hill at the southwest corner of the property. From early 1940s the first regiment to arrive was the Berkshire Yeomanry, to be followed by the 119th Regiment Royal Artillery, and then American troops in the form of 112th Engineers (1942), Company L, 519th Quartermaster Regiment (from Dec 43), Company D, 544th Quartermaster Service Battalion (Colored) (17 Oct 43-27 Dec 43) and 3991st Quartermaster Truck Company (Colored) (23 Dec 43-18 May 44). The house was derequisitioned in December, 1944 and German prisoners were used at Tower Hill to tidy the Camp and cut up the big trees, which the soldiers had barked and killed.
- --- SNA70387 - Conservation Plan: Alistair Coey Architects. 2018. Springhill Demesne: Conservation Management Plan. 1.
- --- SNA70388 - Conservation Plan: Alistair Coey Architects. 2018. Springhill Demesne: Conservation Management Plan. 2.
- --- SNA70389 - Conservation Plan: Alistair Coey Architects. 2018. Springhill Demesne: Conservation Management Plan. 3.
None Recorded
Other Statuses and References
- HER/SMR Reference (External): 00391:004 NI Defence Heritage Record
Associated Events
None Recorded
Associated Finds
None Recorded