Rectangular platform, West Challacombe Farm, West Exmoor

Record ID:  100935 / MNA148467
Record type:  Monument
Protected Status: None Recorded
NT Property:  West Exmoor Coast; South West
Civil Parish:  Combe Martin; North Devon; Devon
Grid Reference:  SS 59030 47505
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A rectangular platform is visible as an earthwork on aerial photographs. It is thought to be a medieval or post-medieval building or cultivation platform.

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Most Recent Monitoring

None Recorded

Monument Types

  • CULTIVATION TERRACE? (Medieval to Late 19th C - 1066 AD to 1900 AD)
  • BUILDING PLATFORM? (Medieval to Late 19th C - 1066 AD to 1900 AD)


Remains of a large scarp aligned approximately E-W, but forming an irregular break of slope around the N end of the area of relict medieval field strips. It is SE of the field barn. The line of the scarp is not shown on any of the historic maps and given the size and evident slumping, this was formerly a sizeable feature. Approximate dimensions: 70m E-W, 1-1.5m high x 1.5-2.5m wide. Although it is likely to be an earlier field boundary superseded by a very straight boundary immediately uphill, the irregular line of the scarp and relatively level area downslope of it might suggest a former building stance. This is speculative, but there is a gently sloping area below the scarp, but uphill of the other removed boundaries. However the area downhill of this is now quite waterlogged. The area was listed as arable on the Tithe. Recommendations: Levels of livestock in this area need to be assessed to prevent erosion of the earthwork and loss of definition. [1]
A rectangular platform is visible as an earthwork on aerial photographs in a field to the northwest of the deserted settlement at Netherton. The earthwork is centred on SS 5903 4750 and measures approximately 27 metres long by 20 metres wide. It is similar in size and form to the platforms observed to the northeast of Netherton, and is likely to be a medieval or post-medieval building or cultivation platform associated with these earthworks. The platform is not shown on the 1st edition Ordnance Survey map, suggesting that it had gone out of use by the time of publication. However several field boundaries are shown on the map, and the platform may be associated with these boundaries. [2]


  • <1> SNA62241 - Document: Nick Berry. 2002. Archaeological and Historic Landscape Survey of West Challacombe Farm, Combe Martin, Devon.

  • <2>XY SNA69541 - Report: Hegarty, C and Toms, K. 2009. Exmoor National Park National Mapping Programme Management and Summary Report. 38699 / 1460171. [Mapped feature: #200462 Rectangular platform, ]


None Recorded

Other Statuses and References

  • HER/SMR Reference (External): MMO1634 Exmoor NPA HER
  • National Monuments Record Reference: SS 54 NE104
  • Pastscape Reference: 1460171

Associated Events

  • ENA10533 - Heritage Assessment, Exmoor National Park National Mapping Programme

Associated Finds

None Recorded

Related Records

None Recorded