Track, Cockayne to Church Banks, Bransdale

Record ID:  32638 / MNA146608
Record type:  Routeway
Protected Status: None Recorded
NT Property:  Bransdale; North
Civil Parish:  Bransdale; Ryedale; North Yorkshire
Grid Reference:  SE 6195 9820
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Part of an impressive and long-lived N-S routeway through the dale, from Cockayne Ridge to Bransdale Mill, and beyond.

Identification Images (0)

Most Recent Monitoring

None Recorded

Monument Types

  • HOLLOW WAY (Medieval to Late 19th C - 1066 AD to 1900 AD)
  • TRACKWAY (Medieval to Late 19th C - 1066 AD to 1900 AD)


Section of major, important and long-lived routeway running N-S through the dale, from beyond Cockayne Ridge S through Cockayne to Bransdale Mill and Spout House. For upper sections see NTSMRs 32719 (through High Plantation) and 32624 (High Plantation to Cockayne). For the S sections, between Church Banks and Bransdale Mill see NTSMRs 32639 and 33720; and between Bransdale Mill and Spout House see NTSMRs 33667 and 33669.

Site visit 10/06/2000:
This section starts next to Cockayne church and descends the bank here as a right-angled broad overgrown hollow way 3m wide and 1m deep. Just to the S of the angle it is revetted on the N side by a now collapsing and overgrown wall 1.5m high. It passes through a well engineered gate (NTSMR 33896) in wall 472 and can be seen descending a gradual slope N of the existing road below Hall Plantation as a broad terrace; a section of this is paved with slabs. It is then crossed by the road and runs through Church Banks as a grassy hollow way 1.2m wide and 0.5m deep, delimiting an area of ridge and furrow earthworks (NTSMR 32630) to the E; this lower section is still occassionally used by farm traffic. It then passes through another well engineered gate (NTSMR 33951) at SE61999810 in wall 530 - for section to the S see NTSMR 32639 [1].

The route as described is shown on the OS 1857 6" and 1912 25" maps, as well as earlier maps [2]-[6].


  • <1> SZU50001 - Unpublished document: Ed Dennison. 2001. Archaeological Property Survey, Bransdale.

  • <2> SZU50008 - Map: Ordnance Survey. 1857. Ordnance Survey 6" map sheet 58. 6". 1st edition.

  • <3> SZU50039 - Map: Ordnance Survey. 1912. Ordnance Survey 1912 25" map sheet 58/3. 1:2,500.

  • <4> SZU50029 - Map: Ordnance Survey. 1912. Ordnance Survey 1912 25" map sheet 58/7. 1:2,500.

  • <5> SZU50037 - Document: J Tuke. 1782. 1782 Survey of Bransdale and Farndale.

  • <6> SZU50018 - Document: Tukes and Ayre. 1828. 1828 Survey of Farndale and Bransdale.


None Recorded

Other Statuses and References

  • National Park

Associated Events

  • ENA3857 - Field Survey, Archaeological Property Survey

Associated Finds

None Recorded

Related Records

None Recorded