Ford, S of Bransdale Mill, Bransdale

Record ID:  33688 / MNA145752
Record type:  Monument
Protected Status: None Recorded
NT Property:  Bransdale; North
Civil Parish:  Bransdale; Ryedale; North Yorkshire
Grid Reference:  SE 6209 9785
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Ford, representing an early crossing point of the Hodge Beck to the S of Brandsale Mill.

Identification Images (0)

Most Recent Monitoring

None Recorded

Monument Types

  • FORD (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)


Site visit 07/06/2000:
Remains of a well preserved crossing the Hodge Beck, S of Bransdale Mill. There are a number of rectangular slabs, some mow misaligned due to water flow, with a line of four large stepping-stone blocks, running obliquely across the beck; the latter may be more modern in date. The ford is associated with the mill complex, and may represent an earlier crossing which was then replaced by the construction of the mill bridge (NTSMR 31644). The tracks either side of the ford can still be seen (NTSMR 33734), and a gate stoop on the W bank (NTSMR 33624) suggests that the route was gated. The remains of a revetment wall, 0.7m high and c.5m long, in the W bank may be protecting the ford and slope to it from erosion. A fallen tree on the W bank now blocks the route and it is not possible to use the crossing easily [1].

The track is shown on the OS 1857 6" map, but no ford is named, and nothing is shown on the OS 1912 25" map [2] [3]. The track and gate are shown on Moon's 1820 map of the mill [4].


  • <1> SZU50001 - Unpublished document: Ed Dennison. 2001. Archaeological Property Survey, Bransdale.

  • <2> SZU50008 - Map: Ordnance Survey. 1857. Ordnance Survey 6" map sheet 58. 6". 1st edition.

  • <3> SZU50029 - Map: Ordnance Survey. 1912. Ordnance Survey 1912 25" map sheet 58/7. 1:2,500.

  • <4> SZU50038 - Map: J Moon. 1820. Plan of Bransdale mill. 2 chains to 1".


None Recorded

Other Statuses and References

  • National Park

Associated Events

  • ENA3857 - Field Survey, Archaeological Property Survey

Associated Finds

None Recorded

Related Records

None Recorded