Cartshed/ Shelter Shed/ Garage, Low Staindale, Bridestones

Record ID:  31868*0 / MNA144865
Record type:  Building
Protected Status: None Recorded
NT Property:  Bridestones; North
Civil Parish:  Lockton; Ryedale; North Yorkshire
Grid Reference:  SE 8699 9038
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A MC19 outbuilding to the SW of the main farmhouse of Low Staindale.

Identification Images (0)

Most Recent Monitoring

None Recorded

Monument Types

  • STABLE (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
  • CART SHED (Mid 19th C to Late 19th C - 1850 AD to 1900 AD)
  • GARAGE (Modern - 1901 AD to 2050 AD)


From NT VBS (1993) "Shelter shed or Cart shed and Stable? (the stable? has been demolished). The building forms the SW side of the C19 yard of Low Staindale. Of similar construction to building 31869, and evidently built at the same time. The siting suggests a use as a cattle shelter shed. The plan consisted of four open bays and a SE stable? bay with hay loft over. Only two open bays have been saved, the bay abutting building 31866 and the SE part are visible on the ground and in historic photographs. SW flank of roughly coursed rubble firestone?, three remaining pillars of brick with rounded corners and chamfered flagstone capitals. The gabled pantile roof is supported by three nineteenth century kingpost trusses reusing earlier riven timber as tiebeams, the tusk tenon butt purlins are of reused riven timber."


  • --- SZP13129 - Photograph - black and white: J P Walker. 01/01/1993. Cartshed etc, Low Staindale Farm. 45.

  • --- SZP14308 - Photograph - black and white: J P Walker. 01/01/1993. Cartshed etc, Low Staindale Farm, interior. C19 truss, reused tiebeam. 46.

  • --- SZP16950 - Photograph - black and white: 01/01/1957. Low Staindale from the SE. 2.

  • --- SZP20694 - Photograph - black and white: J P Walker. 01/01/1993. Cartshed etc, Low Staindale Farm, close detail of flagstone capital to brick pillar. 51.

  • --- SZP20832 - Photograph - black and white: Low Staindale from the N. 3.

  • --- SZP25158 - Photograph - black and white: J P Walker. 01/01/1993. Cartshed etc, Low Staindale Farm, interior. C19 truss, reused tiebeam. 47.

  • --- SZP25704 - Photograph - black and white: J P Walker. 01/01/1993. Cartshed etc, Low Staindale Farm, interior. C19 truss, detail of reused tiebeam. 48.

  • --- SZP29510 - Photograph - black and white: J P Walker. 01/01/1993. Cartshed etc, Low Staindale Farm, detail of brick pillars carrying wall plate. 49.

  • --- SZP32047 - Photograph - black and white: Low Staindale farmstead from the SSW. 6.

  • --- SZP32175 - Photograph - black and white: MC20 image when the farmhouse was Lockton Youth Hostel. 7.

  • --- SZP35010 - Photograph - black and white: J P Walker. 01/01/1993. Low Staindale farmhouse - R part of house and laithe barn.. 21.

  • --- SZP38993 - Photograph - black and white: Low Staindale farmhouse from the SE. 4.

  • --- SZP39269 - Photograph - black and white: J P Walker. 01/01/1993. Cartshed etc, Low Staindale Farm, SE gable. 43.

  • --- SZP40527 - Photograph - black and white: J P Walker. 01/01/1993. Cartshed etc, Low Staindale Farm, detail of brick pillars carrying wall plate. 50.

  • --- SZP40659 - Photograph - black and white: J P Walker. 01/01/1993. Low Staindale from SW. 8.

  • --- SZP42948 - Photograph - black and white: J P Walker. 01/01/1993. Cartshed etc, Low Staindale Farm, SW flank. 44.

  • --- SZP47453 - Photograph - black and white: Low Staindale farmhouse from the SSW. 5.

  • --- SZP891 - Vernacular Building Survey: J P Walker. 1993. NT VBS Yorkshire - Survey 1130 - Low Staindale, Bridestones.


None Recorded

Other Statuses and References

  • National Park

Associated Events

None Recorded

Associated Finds

None Recorded

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None Recorded