Upstanding stoops, NW of Bransdale Mill, Brandsale

Record ID:  31374 / MNA144549
Record type:  Landscape Furniture
Protected Status: None Recorded
NT Property:  Bransdale; North
Civil Parish:  Bransdale; Ryedale; North Yorkshire
Grid Reference:  SE 62005 97922
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Two standing stones, possibly the remains of a saw pit, to the NW of the Bransdale Mill complex.

Identification Images (0)

Most Recent Monitoring

None Recorded

Monument Types

  • STONE (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
  • SAW PIT (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)


From NT VBS Yorkshire 1022:
"Approximately 20m NW of NTSMR 31372, near the NW edge of what was once a small enclosure, are two upright stones, about 2m apart, marked on Moon's 1820 plan. The slighter, but taller SW stone is inscribed on its SE face: "WS / AM5822 / AD1817". The purpose of the stones, which are grooved at the top as if for a bar or beam spanning between them, is unknown." [1]-[2].

Site visits 22/03/2000 and 30/04/2000:
The N stone or stoop is 1.73m high, 0.32m wide and 0.36m thick, and the S stoop is 1.57m high, 0.33m wide and 0.34m thick. Both appear to have had holes through the top (the one on the N stoop 0.075m wide and the one on the S stoop 0.10m wide), but have both been broken off just above the base of the hole. The inscription covers an area 0.17m high and 0.23m wide.
The two stones may represent the remains of a saw pit, which might have utilised two upstanding stoops to support a sawing platform; the stones have obviously been relocted to this point, perhaps after they were broken, and then they were inscribed? For extant example of a saw pit, see NTSMR 33992.
There is also a well dressed stoop lying between these two stones, 1.58m long, 0.33m wide and 0.40m thick with a bulbous end, and three other possible stoop fragments adjacent [3]-[7].

The stones are depicted in the RCHME reconstruction drawing [8].


  • <1> SZU1515 - Vernacular Building Survey: A Menuge. 1987. NT VBS Yorkshire 1022: Bransdale Mill, Bransdale.

  • <2> SZU39911 - Photograph - black and white: A Menuge. 01/10/1987. Inscription on pair of standing stones. 90.

  • <3> SZU50001 - Unpublished document: Ed Dennison. 2001. Archaeological Property Survey, Bransdale.

  • <4> SZU50407 - Digital Image: Ed Dennison. 30/04/2000. Upstanding stoops, NW of Bransdale Mill.

  • <5> SZU50408 - Digital Image: Ed Dennison. 30/04/2000. Upstanding stoops, NW of Bransdale Mill. 1m.

  • <6> SZU51298 - Photograph - black and white: Ed Dennison. 30/04/2000. Upstanding stoops, NW of Bransdale Mill. 19A.

  • <7> SZU51299 - Photograph - black and white: Ed Dennison. 30/04/2000. Upstanding stoops, NW of Bransdale Mill. 1m. 20A. Looking NW.

  • <8> SZU50046 - Monograph: RCHME. 1987. Houses of the North York Moors. page 192, fig 348.


None Recorded

Other Statuses and References

  • National Park

Associated Events

  • ENA3857 - Field Survey, Archaeological Property Survey
  • ENA3870 - Field Survey, Vernacular Building Survey, Bransdale Mill, Bransdale, 1987 (Ref: 1022)

Associated Finds

None Recorded

Related Records

None Recorded