Banksia House, Bossington, Holnicote Estate

Record ID:  115142*0 / MNA138253
Record type:  Building
Protected Status: None Recorded
NT Property:  Holnicote Estate; South West
Civil Parish:  Selworthy; West Somerset; Somerset
Grid Reference:  SS 8973 4798
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Large two storey two cell house, 17c with early to late 19c alterations and additions. Rendered and limewashed stone walls under a tile roof.

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Most Recent Monitoring

None Recorded

Monument Types

  • COAL SHED (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
  • WASH HOUSE (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
  • GARDEN SHED (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
  • CROSS PASSAGE HOUSE (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
  • WOOD SHED (Modern - 1901 AD to 2050 AD)
  • GARAGE (Modern - 1901 AD to 2050 AD)


A large two storey, two cell single pile house with cross-passage, rear stair turret and kitchen extension added to rear under catslide roof. Pitched, tiled roof, with gable ends, but southern half of rear catslide set at shallower pitch from ridge than rest and extending over rear extension. Small raking dormer to rear. Walls are rendered and limewashed over stone, apart from side and rear of stair turret which is similarly covered brickwork, and are apparently part of the early 19c update.

Built as a large single dwelling in 17c, possibly a farmhouse. Large formerly open fireplace with bake oven and stair turret adjoining as part of original building. Stack at north end also likely to be early. In the 18c/ early 19c partitions, panelled doors, door frames, most windows and window frames inserted, with present staircase which forms rear wing with kitchen.

In a generally good state of repair, roof leaking on rear pitch and causing rot to ceiling joist. Some roof timbers worm infested, possibly weakened.


Garden Store: single cell, one and a half storeys, pitched roof and gable ends with bargeboards. Random rubble stone walls under roman tile roof. Late 19c.

Garden Store A: single storey, single cell, lean-to giving access to Garden Store. Random stone walls under tile roof. Late 19c, may have been rebuilt on the site of an earlier, detached building.

Wash House, now store: single cell lean-to attached to west wall of Garden Store. Asbestos slate roof over rubble stone walls. Late 19c.

Coal House, possible former stockhouse: gable ended single storey, single cell building with loft in roof space. Garages/ Woodstore butts on to the east end. Tile roof over rubble stone walls. Early 19c.

Garages/ Woodstore: three cell range, two garages and a woodstore. Single pitch roof supported on older rear wall. The present open fronted building first appears on the 1903 2nd edition and may have been built as a linhay or stable. The rear wall could be the remains of an 18c or earlier building. [1]

The cottage was recorded as part of the Holnicote Estate Survey in 2001 and is described as: a farmhouse, 17c or possibly early 18c, with regular fenestration, tile roof (replacing thatch) and limewashed walls. There are two axial stacks, the south internal and the north external. The inside has been rearranged c1800, with a rear extension which included a staircase, whether this replaced a stair turret is not clear but a spiral stair is thought to exist in the south corner next to the stack. This house has very good four and six panel doors. [2]


  • <1>XY SZN6777 - Vernacular Building Survey: Isabel J Richardson. 1992. VBS: Banksia House (142), Bossington. [Mapped feature: #180799 ]

  • <2> SZN48220 - Unpublished document: Isabel Richardson. 2001. Holnicote Estate Archaeological Survey, Somerset. 115142.


None Recorded

Other Statuses and References

  • Conservation Area
  • HER/SMR Reference (External) (Exmoor NP HER): MEM22146
  • National Park

Associated Events

  • ENA3149 - Field Survey, Archaeological Survey of the Holnicote Estate 2001
  • ENA10577 - Heritage Assessment, Vernacular Building Surveys within the Holnicote Estate, 1991-1997

Associated Finds

None Recorded

Related Records

None Recorded