Farmhouse: Two-storey L-shaped building with lean-tos on the inside of the L, gable ends with part-external stacks on main north-south range, and external stack on east-west wing. Ridge over house with two axial stacks, one on the south gable, one between the two north rooms. The north gable stack is disused and capped by the roof. The older wing is slightly lower with the west end of the ridge running into the house roof just below the ridge tiles. One axial chimney halfway along the ridge and the gable stack upper at the east end. The east cell of the wing has the north wall angled in. A farm building, Linhay I and Wagon Entrance, butts onto the east gable, enclosing the external stack and a curved one and a half metre addition on the north of the stack, probably a bake oven. There is also a rectangular addition on the south side, possibly another oven.
The lean-to on the east wall of the house is one and a half storeys with a single pitch roof, continuous from the main roof, but at a slightly lesser pitch. The lean-to on the south wall of the wing is single storey with a single pitch roof, the building angled in at the west end. There are two porches, one over the main entrance door and another over door to the garden, both are gabled.
Roof of house slates, possibly some asbestos, with red collared ridge tiles. Wing as house. House lean-to slate, possibly asbestos. Wing lean-to asbestos slate, lead flashing along top, roof cut into slightly by landing R window. North porch red fishscale tiles with two collared and one plain ridge tile, it needs some repair. Roof supported by kingpost truss with raked struts and arch bracing below. All woodwork including purlins and rafters chamfered and stopped, good quality late 19c workmanship. Tiles lined with boards. West porch asbestos slates with red ridge tiles.
Walls of house rubble stone, rendered and limewashed with black tar band on south, north and west elevations, brick arches and jambs on west front. Window sills concrete. Iron hooks for trellis work to support plants surviving on the west wall. East wall rubble stone with black tar band. Louvred ventilation slit in north ( punched through redundant chimney) and south gables. Wing, north wall as house, angled from west jamb of service door. East and south walls rubble stone, ventilation slit with brick jambs in east gable. South wall eaves raised, landing R window with eaves raised, line of lean-to east of pantry apparent. Slate dripcourse over kitchen window ( was doorway). First floor of west end ( over house lean-to roof) rendered. House lean-to rubble stone, possibly raised from a single storey building, brick arches and jambs for openings, concrete sills. Ventilation slit in south end, visible in lavatory O as a niche. Wing lean- to, rubble stone, rounded southeast corner, angled in at west end, was once limewashed. North porch timber frame with chamfers and step-runout stops, trelliswork covering it ( three slates missing). Slate flagged floor ( late 19c). West porch, posts support roof, gable infilled with vertical boards. Step and porch floor slate.
Early 19c, marked on the 1809-12 Holnicote Estate Survey as 'd1 Langworthy's Farm House Outhouses Court Orchard & etc.' The two outhouses shown have probably been replaced, but the west one may have been incorporated in the present west range. The wing of the farmhouse may have been part of the house, the six panel doors in this range suggests an earlier date than 1800. On the map the house is marked a comparable size to other known farmhouses, and probably dated from the seventeenth century or earlier. The 1842 Luccombe Tithe map shows the Threshing Barn and an enclosed courtyard round the back of the house, incorporating Threshing Barn, Linhay I and Wagon Entrance, possibly part of Stockhouse, and most of Linhay IV, Stable, Stable II. A building ran north from Stable II and another farmstead was in the orchard north of the front garden. The remnant of another farmstead was set east of the present wing. By 1876 a second yard had been added by extending the east and west ranges to the road, as at present. The buildings have gone from the orchard to the north and east, one only remaining of the latter group. The 1882 Holnicote Estate Ledgers ( DRO 1148 and 18M A2/9) have an entry for West Luccombe Farm as follows:
West Luccombe Farmhouse:
Lime and Brick 34 - 11 - 1
Timber 51 - 1 - 1
Window Sills 2 - 15 - 4
Laths 6 - 10 - 0
Lead and Nails 21 - 0 - 0
Timber 53 - 19 - 0
Glazing and Varnishing 20 - 10 - 8
Lime and Brick 30 - 1 - 4
Total œ438 - 14 - 11
This is listed under the expenses for Selworthy Farmhouse which was being built. The styles are very similar, the plan very like that of Holnicote Cottage, built in 1876-7. The new front range was added to the wing, with some refurbishment of the latter, but earlier windows ( pantry) and doors ( sitting room F and bedroom S) were left in situ or re-used. The east end of the stable set across the yard was a diary with slate shelves in it, one of these survives. A wash-house was added to the north end of the west range, a set-pan copper in the northwest corner would have been used for washing and other farm activities as well. In the 1960s the bathroom was inserted. The rough kitchen H converted to kitchen in 1980s, previous kitchen changed to living room. The diary became the utility room.
Important Features:
External appearance.
In a good state of repair, however water is affecting the valley timbers in the roof, these are rotting and need attention. North porch needs some repair in the roof timbers, three slates of the trelliswork are missing.
Lavatory: Part of the east lean-to on the house, opening into the yard. Walls whitewashed stone, north partition brick. Late 19c. In a fair state of repair.
Link Between House Kitchen and Utility Room: Built to give access from the rough work kitchen to the Dairy without having to go out in the open. Single ridge roof, dependant on walls of kitchen and Dairy. Roof of double roman tiles with matching ridge tiles, on halved and lapped common rafters, lined with boards. Walls weatherboarded on east, vertical boards on west, painted rendered stone to north and south. Late 19c. In a good state of repair.
Farm Buildings:
Dairy, now utility room and stable: Single storey two-cell building aligned roughly north-south, cutting the stockyard into two parts. The north end has a covered link to the house. Gable ended, but west pitch shorter than east. Coalshed is a lean-to on the west wall. Roof of pantiles with black ridge tiles over cell A, red over cell B. Walls waterworn rubble stone, irregular sizes, brick jambs to some doors and windows ( indicating alterations), vent in south apex also has brick jambs. Middle east window in blocked doorway, infill below sill concrete block. Internally cell A has slate dairy shelf along north wall on brick piers. Three wooden shelves above. Cast iron machine bracket on south wall. Cell B contains a cast iron corner manger and corner hayrack in each loosebox. Late 19c, shown on the 1889 O.S. Somerset Sheet XXXIV.6, Scale 1:2500, but not on the 1876 Holnicote Estate map. Cell A converted to utility room in the 1980s. Built either with or soon after the new farmhouse in 1882 as a dairy with the far end used for stables. Important features: external appearance, slate shelf in cell A, mangers and hayracks in cell B, cast iron bracket in cell A. In a good state of repair.
Threshing Barn, now barn, store and grain store: Long rectangular building, the long axis set north-south, with high walls and gable ends to the roof. Of the two sets of threshing doors the south-east cheeks and doors have been removed, the others survive. The north and south ranges of stockbuildings have been built around each end of the barn, and two stockyards are formed in this way. The south-east doorway is blocked, with a window in the blocking. Two slits for belts driving machinery survive south of the north-east door, they are blocked. Roof of slate with collared ridge tiles, catslide over threshing doors and cheeks. Two glass panes inserted in west pitch. Valleys with other buildings lined with lead. Pitch of roof steep, probably thatched originally. Rubble stone walls, mostly waterworn, and purple sandstone, squared in quoins and jambs. Eaves possibly raised but this may be differential weathering. Narrow belt opening nearest north-east doors with brick jambs. Early 19c, not shown on the 1809-12 Holnicote Estate Survey, but on the 1842 Luccombe Tithe map. Late 19c, the engine house shown on centre of east side of barn ( 1889 O.S. Somerset Sheet XXXIV.6, Scale 1:2,500). Mid-20c the engine house removed ( on 1929 revised 2nd edition, but not on O.S Map SS 8846-8946). Loft cut away 1984 to insert two Bryce Barker silos. Important features: external appearance with threshing cheeks ( three pairs surviving), north- east threshing doors ( early 19c). In a good state of repair.
Linhay I and Wagon Entrance, now workshop with hay loft over: One and a half storey linhay, aligned east-west and facing south onto yard between Dairy and Threshing Barn. Ridged roof, continuing over adjacent buildings. Open-fronted on first floor loft. Roof of pantiles on south pitch, asbestos slates on north. Plain ridge tiles, one or two broken. Walls waterworn rubble stone, roughly squared on quoins. Various coloured sandstones, south wall continuous from stack to loft floor, seems to butt onto additional south flue on stack. Early 19c, built as part of a courtyard of buildings ( on the 1842 Luccombe Tithe Map). 1880s rebuilt with present roof structure, at same time as Farmhouse and Linhay III. Mid-late 20c, ground floor concrete partitions built. Important features: external appearance, oven bulge and stone shelf, wagon entrance at east end with double doors, roof structure. In a fair state of repair, loft floor sags.
Stockhouse: Two-storey, six bay building aligned east-west, on north end of Threshing Barn. Linhay I and Wagon Entrance and Linhay II abut east and west ends. Opens onto east yard with wide, modern entrance. Gable ended, ridged roof, lower than Threshing Barn roof. Roof of asbestos slates with collared ridge tiles, barn roof hipped onto it, leaded valleys. Modern weathercock on east end. North pitch has slate in it. Walls rubble stone walls, as barn. West gable has two cracks. Blocked pitching door on south-west corner against barn. R.S.J.'s across opening to south, with wooden lintel above, inserted. Threshing Barn gable made up to present height. 1809-12 Holnicote Estate Map shows outhouse on site. 1842 Luccombe Tithe Map shows building from Linhay I and Wagon Entrance across end of Threshing Barn. Present building constructed on 1876 Holnicote Estate Map. Late 20c, stock entrance in south wall widened, present mangers built. 1993, loft door on north side widened to take larger bales. Important features: external appearance, 19c cobbled floor, 19c window frames in ends, roof structure. In a fair state of repair, but east roof truss has no collar, roof is sagging and walls spreading.
Linhay II, now equipment store: South facing open-fronted one and a half storey building with T-section centre column on front. Gabled roof abuts Stockhouse to west. East ends fronts road with E.R. letterbox in it. Roof of slate with plain black ridge tiles, lower than Stockhouse. Walls as Linhay I and Wagon Entrance and Stockhouse, waterworn, largely purple sandstone with some red and green. Brick infill near eaves on east gable, possibly was quarter or half hipped. Churn stand on north side, abuts corner of Stockhouse. Brick infill around Post Box in east end. Manger along back of ground floor as Linhay and Wagon Entrance and Stockhouse. Built between 1842 and 1876 as stock linhay, on 1876 Holnicote Estate Map. Letterbox inserted in east end since 1953. Important features: external appearance, post box ( E.R.) in east end. In a good state of repair.
Linhay III, now equipment store: Rectangular building facing north onto east yard with gabled roof on east end, continuous to west with Linhay IV. Two large openings in north wall. Abuts Threshing Barn, but is same build as east end of Linhay IV. Roof of slates with collared ridge. Cast iron gutters and pipes. Rear and east end as Linhay I, Stockhouse and Linhay II. Front and small part of east end is later extension to north in grey sandstone rubble. Ghost of old gable visible in east end. Two large openings in north wall have squared stone in quoins, that to west has R.S.J. as lintel. Interior has mangers along rear and east end walls as Linhay I, Stockhouse and Linhay II. Eastern hay rack is wooden with diamond set square verticals set in holes in square section horizontals. Chained and stapled to walls as others. Old beam-holes in south wall. Blocked wall top at west end has unfinished appearance. This wall abuts Threshing Barn. Built as a linhay between 1842 and 1876, as Linhay II, forming foldyard on east side of Threshing Barn ( on 1876 Holnicote Estate Map). Section cut out of loft floor for machinery access 20c. Important features: external appearance, late 19c roof trusses, late 19c/ early 20c wooden hay rack in east end. In a good state of repair.
Linhay IV, now stockhouse: Building at angle to Threshing Barm on west side. South wall continues line of Stable I and Stable II, angles to be parallel to south of end. Roof and south wall continuous with Linhay III, ridge at a lower level than Threshing Barn, forming hip with latter. Roof mainly purple slate, especially on south pitch. Cast iron gutters on north side. South wall multiphase with red and grey sandstone, yellow and red mortar. Later angled section to east with stonework as Linhay III, as is north wall. Three large openings with two short walls between. Eastern and western openings blocked with tanned weatherboarding on posts. Modern wood and steel post cattle crush on north side at west end. Early 19c, built between Stable I and southwest corner of Threshing Barn, on 1842 Luccombe Tithe Map. Between 1842 and 1876 part along south end of Threshing Barn added, probably with Linhay III ( on 1876 Holnicote Estate Map). Mid-late 20c, most of loft floor removed, concrete partitions, etc put in. Important features: external appearance, 19c roof trusses, remains of earlier linhay in south wall. In a good state of repair.
Stable I, now workshop and ferret house: Small, rectangular building, rear wall and roofline continuous with Stable II to west. Roof staggered on north-east end, ridge set c. 1 metre higher than on Linhay IV. Roof of pantiles, some glass on north pitch. Plain ridge, some glazed black. Walls as Linhay IV, with older back wall, which has marks of removed building to south, abutting it with doors next to wall. Eastern gable wall has much red sandstone. 1809-12 Holnicote Estate Survey shows long building in this position, perhaps represented by Stable I and II. Probably partially rebuilt mid-century, on 1876 Holnicote Estate Map. Floor concreted and manger built mid-late 20c. Important features: external appearance, cobbled floor, cantilevered beams, segmental arched windows, old window frames, 19c roof structure. In a fair state of repair, south wall needs pointing. Eastern beam rotted through on south end.
Stable II, now store: Very similar to Stable I, back wall and roof continuous from latter. Front wall steps in at east end c. 0.15m. Gabled to west over Scullery. Roof as Stable I, three collared ridge tiles on west end. Walls as Stable I, but no features on older south wall. 1809-12 Holnicote Estate Survey shows long building, perhaps represented by present rear wall. Partially rebuilt between 1842 and 1876, giving present form of building ( on 1879 Holnicote Estate Map). Manger built mid-late 20c. Important features: external appearance, segmental arched windows in front with 19c frames, 19c roof trusses, 17c re-used floor beams, first floor loading door, cobbled floor. In a good state of repair, but voussoirs of eastern window on front are slipping.
Scullery, now wood store: Single storey building at angle of Stable II, gabled to west with heavy stack on south-west corner. Roof of Welsh slates, plain black ridge. Walls rubble stone, as Stables I and II above, white mortar. Plaster on south wall may indicate demolished lean-to. Late 19c, buildings on site in 1809 and 1842 replaced by present scullery, possibly by 1876, definitely by 1889 ( O.S. Scale 1:2,500 Somerset Sheet XXXIV.6). Important features: external appearance, heavy chimney stack, remains of copper in corner, old garden steps outside west end, slate water tank by north-west corner, 19c roof truss, re-used 18c window. In a fair state of repair.
Coal Shed: Built as a lean-to later than Dairy, single pitch roof of double roman tiles to west. Walls of rubble stone, waterworn, some larger pieces. Built between 1876 and 1889, appears on 1889 O.S. Somerset Sheet XXXIV.6, Scale 1:2,500. Important features: external appearance with Dairy, old shuttered window. In a good state of repair.
Hay Store and Covered Yard: Four bay pole barn with ridged roof and lean-to on south built immediately east of a garden wall ( 19c) running south from the farmstead. A linhay and another small building were previously on the site. Roof of corrugated asbestos, ridge of some material with vents on scissor trusses and braced roof. Lean-to with some p.v.c. panels for light. Walls open on north and east sides of main building, east gable with vertical boards partly filling it, west end corrugated asbestos curved out over top of rubble stone garden wall, supported by timber posts. Lean-to with dwarf wall of concrete blocks, Yorkshire boarding above. Raised concrete feeding platform between lean-to and pole barn. Built 1969. Important feature: won Country Landowner's Association Farm Buildings Award in 1970. In a good state of repair, one timber in roof damaged.
Dutch Barn and Covered Yard: Dutch barn made by Bolton and Paul, maker's plate on east end. Roof of curved corrugated asbestos sheets on gantry-type supports, lean-to same material with p.v.c. lights. Walls open on north and west sides, R.S.J. supports with diagonal and horizontal strengtheners along the eaves. Concrete block dwarf wall along east end of Dutch barn and vertical boarding above, south and west ends of lean-to with some dwarf walls, Yorkshire boarding over. Corrugated iron infill at east end of lean-to. Feed platform as Hay Store and Covered Yard between two parts of building. 1950s, moved to West Luccombe in 1982 with lean-to ( not on 1973 O.S. Map SS 8846-8946, Scale 1:2,500). Important features: Dutch barn moved from West Lynch to present site. In a good state of repair.
Grainstore and Machinery Shed: Large prefabricated four bay building with gabled roof, open at north end, shelters diesel tanks. Roof corrugated asbestos with moulded ridge, on unbraced R.S.J. trusses, bolted at apex and to uprights. Six sets of purlins, wind braces. Walls vertical R.S.J.s with horizontal rails supporting vertical board cladding. South end lining of metal sheeting for grain storage, with inspection walkway over. 1980s-90s, earlier building on site on 1973 O.S. Map SS 8846- 8946. In a good state of repair.
Pole Barn: Ten bay pole barn, single pitch roof, open to west and north. Roof wooden blades across between posts, alternate diagonal struts prevent wind movement, corrugated iron over. Walls corrugated iron on rails on vertically set railway lines, east and south sides fully covered, west end of south side - top half only covered. North and west have top third covered. Important feature: supports of iron rails ( probably from G.W.R. Minehead line). In a fair/ poor state of repair.
Field Linhay: Gable-ended rectangular outbuilding to north of road. Roof of double roman tiles with matching ridge. Walls of rubble stone, mostly fairly small, squared stones, some big in quoins. One buttress in north side, two small windows blocked with brick and later raising of wall from one to one and a half storeys. West end has blocked door and has also been raised and partly rebuilt. South wall obscured by hedge, but has two buttresses of stone rubble and brick abutting building. East end open with weatherboards in gable. Appears on 1809-12 Holnicote Estate Survey as 'outbuilding' to 'ruined cottage' now represented by earthworks c. 15 metres to the north-east. Does not appear on the 1842 Luccombe Tithe Map, and was probably not liable for tithes. Important features: external appearance, multi-phase stone walls with buttresses, blocked windows in north side, 19c floor and roof structure. In a poor state of repair. Walls leaning to north and south, needs repointing. Floor needs clearing and repairing, tiles are being disturbed by ivy, etc. on south.
the farm is a mid 19c creation from the four or five holdings that were in West Luccombe, land has been added in the 20c from Doverhay and West Lynch. The house faces west, and the yards are set on a corner in West Luccombe hamlet, with the Horner Water across a small green. The farmhouse was rebuilt in 1882, hence its very plain front, with probable retention of the rear wing. Of the seventeen farm buidings listed in the Vernacular Building Survey report the most important are the threshing barn and flanking linhays, which are typical of high Victorian farming. The outbuilding in field O.S. No. 8636 is the remnant of a former farmstead.
The land is fairly level, mainly used for livestock rearing with hay made each year.
The field names for the 19c and 20c were recorded by Mr and Mrs C Carson in 2000, and are in the Estate Office.
Condition: good