There is a ruined engine house, numerous shafts and interconnecting trackways.
Identification Images (0)
Most Recent Monitoring
None Recorded
Monument Types
- MINE (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
North Towan was started in about 1805 but was found to be very poor and was abandoned. During the 1830s North Towan was reopened under the name of New Charlotte. This title was adopted because Great Wheal Charlotte, on the cliff immediately to the west, chanced to be doing well at the time. Finally, in 1877, New Charlotte became known as Charlotte United Mine, the name under which the workings were shown on the O.S. Map. Little was done on this last occasion and the company only survived a few months longer. There is a ruined engine house, numerous shafts and interconnecting trackways (Beamish, H. 1984).
- --- SZC10792 - Monograph: Anon. 1873. Kelly's Directory of Cornwall.
- --- SZC1314 - Article in serial: William Phillips. 1814. On the Views of Cornwall Transactions of the Geological Society (London).
- --- SZC2119 - Map: R Symons. Map of St Agnes Mining District.
- --- SZC3077 - Monograph: A K H Jenkin. Mines and Miners of Cornwall Part 2.
- --- SZC5295 - Monograph: H G Ordish. 1967. Cornish Engine Houses. FIRST.
- --- SZC5902 - Monograph: J H Collins. 1912. Observations on the West of England Mining Region.
- --- SZC6634 - Article in serial: Anon. 1877. Mining Journal 14 April, 10 November.
- --- SZC690 - Monograph: H G Dines and J Phemister. 1956. The Metalliferous Mining Region of South West England Vol. l. (1988).
- --- SZC8188 - Serial: Anon. 1838. Annual Reports of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society Falmouth no 105.
- --- SZC9478 - Unpublished document: National Trust. The National Trust Archaeological Survey: Chapel Porth.
Other Statuses and References
- Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
- Heritage Coast
- Site of Special Scientific Interest (Geological)
Associated Events
None Recorded
Associated Finds
None Recorded
Related Records
None Recorded