A Second World War observation post defined by a substantial earth mound just east of East Myne Farm measuring 36m x 22m and 3m high (downslope). The post was part of the tank training range on Bossington Hill and North Hill.
Identification Images (0)
Most Recent Monitoring
None Recorded
Monument Types
- OBSERVATION POST (Mid 20th C - 1940 AD to 1945 AD)
A substantial earth mound just east of East Myne Farm measuring 36m x 22m and 3m high (downslope). A length of wall on the southern face of the mound is 8.2m long and 0.5m high, it has a short length at each end. There are also pieces of concrete visible. It was interpreted by the RCHME Surveyors as an observation post associated with the World War II tank training ranges. Condition: good. [1]
The Second World War observation post was vsible on aerial photographs and mapped as part of the Severn Estuary RCZAS mapping project. Further information, sources and photograph references are available in the Exmoor National Park HER record MSO7668. [2]
- <1> SZN48220 - Unpublished document: Isabel Richardson. 2001. Holnicote Estate Archaeological Survey, Somerset.
- <2>XY SNA69539 - Collection: Exmoor National Park Authority. Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record (HER). MSO7668. [Mapped feature: #180897 ]
None Recorded
Other Statuses and References
- HER/SMR Reference (External): MSO7668 Exmoor National Park HER
- National Park (Exmoor)
Associated Events
- ENA3149 - Field Survey, Archaeological Survey of the Holnicote Estate 2001
- ENA10529 - Heritage Assessment, Severn Estuary Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey: National Mapping Programme
Associated Finds
None Recorded
Related Records
- Part of: Tank Training Range, North Hill, Holnicote Estate (Monument) - 115467 / MNA167559