National Trust Heritage Records Online


Site of mill, Bossington, Holnicote Estate

Record ID:  115170 / MNA141314
Record type:  Monument
Protected Status: None Recorded
NT Property:  Holnicote Estate; South West
Civil Parish:  None Recorded
Grid Reference:  SS 8963 4803
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Site of mill, opposite 1 and 2 Bossington, which was pulled down sometime before 1841 and is now under the present road. The leat is recorded seperately as MNA141456.

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Most Recent Monitoring

None Recorded

Monument Types

  • MILL (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)


The leat [MNA141456] at Bossington runs alongside the road from north of Kitnors (115010) to the lower end of the village. The only map evidence for Bossington mill comes from the 1809-12 Holnicote Estate Survey, Manor of Bossington, where the mill is listed as Q and the tenant is given as John Willie. The mill seems to have been in the present road, with the leat on its west side. The road must have gone to the east of it, between it and 1 and 2 Bossington. The wheel would have been undershot, and a culvert carrying overflow went at right angles across to Horner Water. When the mill was pulled down the wing was built on the front of No 2 Bossington, and the road ran alongside the leat. Condition: fair. [1]


  • <1>XY SZN48220 - Unpublished document: Isabel Richardson. 2001. Holnicote Estate Archaeological Survey, Somerset. 115170. [Mapped feature: #182121 ]

  • <2> SNA65155 - Unpublished document: Isabel Richardson. 2007. Bossington Farm Archaeological Survey. 115170.


None Recorded

Other Statuses and References

  • National Park

Associated Events

  • ENA3149 - Field Survey, Archaeological Survey of the Holnicote Estate 2001
  • ENA6642 - Field Survey, Bossington Farm Archaeological Survey

Associated Finds

None Recorded

Related Records

  • Related to: Bossington Mill Leat, Bossington, Holnicote Estate (Monument) - 115288 / MNA141456