National Trust Heritage Records Online


Farmhouse, Coombe End Farm

Record ID:  150081*0 / MNA130170
Record type:  Building
Protected Status: Listed Building: Grade II
NT Property:  Coombe End Farm; London and South East
Civil Parish:  Goring Heath; South Oxfordshire; Oxfordshire
Grid Reference:  SU 6290 7914
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A large brick farmhouse with a tiled roof. Appears to be 19th century but incorporates some earlier, 17th century features. It stands at the head of the coombe, looking south over the Thames valley. It has a laarge walled garden on the south side. There is a small pond near to the house on the east side.

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Monument Types

  • FARMHOUSE (Late 17th C to Mid 20th C - 1700 AD to 1950 AD)


Coombe End Farmhouse graphically illustrates many of the changes in domestic lifestyles and architectural taste that have taken place over the last three centuries. The plan form with the 18th century reception rooms to the south and the main stairs, the 19th century service wing and back stairs to the north and the 1904 dining room wing designed by C.R.Ashbee in the Arts and Crafts style for which he is renowned are all important elements in the history of the house. Important specific features include the 17th century moulded beams, the 18th and 19th century period fireplaces, the period doors, leaded casements and lead pipehead.
Structural development (conjectural only):-
Phase 1: 17th century plan form unknown. Surviving portions are incorporated into the south west section of the house. Built in flint with brick dressings, possibly with hipped roof. Moulded beams survive in situ in rooms 8,19 and cellar A.
Phase 2: 18th century major extension - the south east portion- thereby creating a double pile house. Later a window arch on the first floor south corner collapsed and two
of the windows were replaced by tall sashes under
rubbed brick arches. At the end of the 18th century
further refurbishment was carried out; lead pipework
is dated 1790 and most of the fire surrounds date from
this time.
Phase 3: 19th century construction of service wing to the north
with second cellar and further remodelling of the older
part. Visible on the Tithe Map of 1848.
Phase 4: 20th century work carried out for Sir Rickman and Lady
1. construction of dining room wing and larder in 1904
(Ashbee work)
2. construction of library, north lobby and linking
passage in 1920
3. larder block extended and built up to three storeys
after 1920
Phase 4a: 20th century alterations carried out under the tenancy
of Mr.Gibson.
1. passage way of 1920 demolished
2. partition wall between two reception rooms removed to create large open-plan room (10)

G.Guy. Vernacular Building Survey. March 1989.


  • SNA64934 - Report: Zbigniew Pozorski. July 2011. Coombe Farm House, Goring Heath, Oxfordshire, Archaeological Monitoring and Recording.

  • SNA64935 - Report: July 2011. Coombe End Farm House, Goring Heath, Oxfordshire, Historic Building Recording.

  • SNA66516 - National Trust Report: W L Matthews. January 1989. Coombe End Farm.

  • SNA67225 - Vernacular Building Survey: G Guy. March 1989. Coombe End Farmhouse vernacular building survey.

  • SNA67709 - Report: Drivers Jonas. March 1997. Coombe End Farmhouse Schedule of Condition and Recommended Remedial Works.

  • SNA68659 - Photograph - black and white: WL Matthews. 26/1/1989. Photos taken of archaeological features at Coombe End Farm.

  • SZM3182 - Monograph: Margaret Gelling. 1971. Place Names of Oxfordshire.

  • SZM38638 - Photograph - black and white: Matt Matthews. 26/01/1989. Coombe End Farm. 28.

  • SZM38639 - Photograph - black and white: Matt Matthews. 26/01/1989. Coombe End Farm. 29.

  • SZM460 - Map: J E Neighbour. 1857. A Plan of the Coombe End Estate.

  • SZM6997 - Map: Ordnance Survey. 1876-1877. Oxfordshire. 10560.

  • SZM8564 - Monograph: R Godlee. 1926. A Village on the Thames - Whitchurch Yesterday and Today.

  • SZM9397 - Map: Ordnance Survey. 1897. Oxfordshire. 10560.


Other Statuses and References

  • Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Associated Events

  • ENA6357 - Archaeological Intervention, Watching brief over service trenches at Coombe End Farmhouse
  • ENA6358 - Field Survey, Historic Building Recording of Coombe End Farmhouse
  • ENA8744 - Heritage Assessment, Coombe End Farmhouse verncular buildings survey
  • ENA9117 - Heritage Assessment, Archaeological survey of Coombe End Farm

Associated Finds

None Recorded

Related Records

None Recorded