National Trust Heritage Records Online


Shippon, Lower Buckden, Stubbins

Record ID:  26569 / MNA120944
Record type:  Building
Protected Status: None Recorded
NT Property:  Stubbins Estate; North
Civil Parish:  None Recorded
Grid Reference:  SD 7860 1895
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Shippon, Lower Buckden, Stubbins

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Monument Types

  • COW HOUSE (Late 18th C to Early 19th C - 1800 AD to 1820 AD)


The shippon range consists of a shippon at its W end with piggeries at the E end, with a hayloft over. It appears to be a 19th century buidling with sawn softwood interior woodwork including trusses. It appears to have 20th century doors and windows.

(NT VBS Surveyor; 1987)

Building 3 (pig sties and stables)

This agricultural building is probably of early nineteenth century date, and is depicted on the tithe map of c1838. It is built from random or roughly coursed rubble, some apparently field-gathered, with squared, edge-laid quoins, and monolithic dressings to most of the doorway openings, although a steel lintel is used at the south-east end, perhaps replacing a failed timber. Some of the internal walls contain brick, which may be evidence for later alterations. The roof is of blue slate with a tile ridge, suggesting a re-roofing. A mobile unit parked in front of the building prevented a photograph being taken of the front elevation, but access into the ground floor was not hindered.

The south-east half of Building 3 is occupied by a pair of pig sties on the ground floor, with pens divided by upright slabs to the front, and sties at the rear; the narrow doorways suggest it would not have been suitable accommodation for other animals. There is a stone-built privy attached to the south-east gable, with WC installed.

The north-west half of the building is divided into three parts, none with original fittings. The larger end room appears to have had stalls facing south-east, but whether these were for cattle or horses is not known; the same can be said of the two smaller units in the middle of the building.

Access to the upper floor, believed to be a hay loft but now apparently disused and inaccessible, was originally via a doorway in the front elevation (now blocked with breeze block), and a doorway in the north-west gable (now boarded up). Green notes that it has sawn softwood trusses.


  • SZI1988 - Vernacular Building Survey: National Trust Vernacular Buildings Surveyor. 1987. Stubbins & Holcombe Moor - Vernacular Buildings Survey.

  • SZI50351 - Vernacular Building Survey: Stephen Haigh. 2002. Lower Buckden, The Stubbins Estate.


None Recorded

Other Statuses and References

None Recorded

Associated Events

  • ENA1600 - Field Survey, Lower Buckden, The Stubbins Estate, Rossendale, Lancashire

Associated Finds

None Recorded

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