Victorian (?) drain and wooden soakaway, Upper Garden Court, Chedworth Roman Villa

Record ID:  75531 / MNA148214
Record type:  Monument
Protected Status: Scheduled Monument
NT Property:  Chedworth Roman Villa; South West
Civil Parish:  Chedworth; Cotswold; Gloucestershire
Grid Reference:  SP 05261 13474
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A drain which crosses the west corridor portico and emerges under the east wall of the corridor. The drain is thought to be of Victorian origin and ends in a shallow soakaway pit in the garden court. [NB the sources for this monument disagree on the dating of the drain with Bethell referring to it as Roman while SNA62053 claims it, like the soakaway is of Victorian construction.]

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Monument Types

  • SOAKAWAY (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
  • DRAIN (Roman - 43 AD to 400 AD)
  • DRAIN (Mid 19th C to Late 19th C - 1860 AD to 1900 AD)


The drain which crosses the west corridor portico emerges under the east wall of the corridor, and ends in a shallow depression in the garden court. Excavation in 2001 revealed that the drain dated from the first excavations at the villa site and that to the north-east was a 19th-C wooden box soakaway, presumably built to deal with water run-off from the covering shed to the west. [SNA62053]
Water still drains in to this area making it a particularly damp and bogy spot.[SNA62053]
[NB the sources for this monument disagree on the dating of the drain with Bethell referring to it as Roman while SNA62053 claims it, like the soakaway is of Victorian construction]


  • SNA62028 - National Trust Report: Atkins Heritage. 2007. Chedworth Roman Villa Conservation Management Plan Gazetteer.

  • SNA62053 - National Trust Report: University of Sheffield. 2001. University of Sheffield Excavations in the Garden Courtyard and Lower Courtyard, Chedworth Roman Villa.


Other Statuses and References

None Recorded

Associated Events

  • ENA45 - Archaeological Intervention, Upper and Lower Courtyard Excavations in 2001, Chedworth Roman Villa (Ref: INT 125/6)

Associated Finds

None Recorded

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